
Redefining the Startup Game: Fabio Severino’s Unconventional Wisdom on Persistence, Passion, and the Power of Code

Unlocking the Startup Spirit with Fabio Severino: Persistence, Passion, and the Power of Code

In the fast-paced world of technology, innovation is the name of the game. It's not often that we come across a new company that aims to revolutionize how we think about blockchain and data storage, but Traent is doing just that. We had the pleasure of speaking with Fabio Severino, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Traent, a startup company that is breaking new ground in the realm of blockchain technology.

Based in Italy, Traent was co-founded by Fabio and Federico D'Annunzio in 2020 with a focus on creating an easy-to-use, performant blockchain collaboration platform. Their goal? To make web 3.0 applications as user-friendly and fast as web 2.0 applications, all while ensuring data is tamper-proof and verifiable. In a fascinating discussion that touches on everything from the economics of blockchain to the challenges of real-time data storage, Fabio offers valuable insights into what makes Traent's approach so unique.

Whether you're a tech enthusiast or a blockchain novice, this interview is packed with information that promises to engage, inform, and perhaps even challenge your understanding of what blockchain can do.

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Breaking Down Barriers: Fabio Severino Demystifies Blockchain with Traent’s Real-time, User-friendly Apps

So, you've heard about blockchain, right? It's that super-technical, head-spinning concept that's supposed to be the future, but only if you're a techie, right? Wrong! Meet Fabio Severino, CTO of Traent, who's about to tell you why his company is throwing that narrative out the window. In our chat, Fabio broke down how Traent is making blockchain not just usable but downright user-friendly. The Italy-based startup's mission is as grand as it is simple: "To create web three applications that are like web 2.0 applications—faster, real-time, and easy to use, but based on blockchain."

How many times have you heard that storing anything on a public blockchain like Bitcoin or Ethereum could cost you an arm and a leg? Well, Fabio thought that was kinda ridiculous. "The blockchain is the most economic way of making a document tamper-proof," Fabio explained. What sets Traent apart? It's all about the hybrid blockchain they've developed that fuses the best parts of public and private blockchains. Why is this such a big deal? Because now you can have ESG data, or any other important docs for that matter, stored in a place where anyone can verify it without selling your house to pay the blockchain storage fees.

The blockchain is the most economic way of making a document tamper-proof

Alright, let's be real for a sec. Traent is only three years old but has already snagged eight patents, published research papers, and built what sounds like a tech unicorn in the making. "We needed this foundational work to create this platform," Fabio says, making it sound like he's building a Lego castle rather than redefining how we interact with blockchain technology. Best quote of the chat? "Before Traent, you didn't really have ways of having applications that are not only easy to use but performant on blockchain." In other words, folks, Fabio and his team are serving up blockchain in a way that even your grandma could use, and that's something to keep an eye on.

From Late Nights to the Limelight: How Fabio's Traent is Changing the Game with Blockchain Tech

Once upon a time, Fabio and his team at Traent were burning the midnight oil, puzzling over lines of code and unyielding algorithms. But they've come a long way. Now, with a product that's not only stable but also in production, the nights are, as Fabio put it, "totally different." "Before, it was all about building the types of components that needed to work nicely together," he tells us. "Now, we connect more with customers, hear their problems, and find solutions. It's easier for us, at least, because there's no more foundational work to do."

But hold on, because they're not just sitting back and sipping on espressos. "The key for success is to focus on the customer," Fabio quips. If you've ever doubted the power of data, Traent aims to change your mind. They're diving into digital product passports that could revolutionize how we think about individual products. Imagine buying a used electric vehicle where you could have a tamper-proof history of the car's battery. It might say that the battery still has a solid 60% life left, making it valuable for other uses. "Now, with the ledger, you have more trustworthy information, so you can get higher value from your used car," Fabio says.

The key for success is to focus on the customer

You might think that such an ambitious company would need a sprawling workforce, but you'd be wrong. "We're a very small team—about 10 people and another 10 in development," Fabio reveals. Being a startup from Italy, they're making concerted efforts to connect with international customers, which in itself is a remarkable feat. It's not every day that you meet a small team doing such big things. With Fabio steering the ship, the future looks more than just promising—it looks revolutionary. "Because we always want to live in the future, we work on new things," he says. No doubt, the future is a book they're eager to write, one ledger at a time.

From Pisa to the Blockchain: Fabio on Problem-Solving, Team Building, and the Importance of Taking a Break

Forget what you know about blockchain technology for a sec—Fabio's company is using it in ways you haven't even dreamt of. From his headquarters in the student-filled city of Pisa, Italy, Fabio is tackling "impossible" problems like a digital product passport for your car. Imagine a ledger where you can store all the minutia about your vehicle—from recharging history to maintenance info—all in a blockchain. You'll never have to worry about passing off a "sketchy" car to the next owner. Plus, recycling gets a boost, too. "What we do is create solutions that are very focused, that fix one problem. Like a digital product passport that stores all information about a product in a tamper-proof way," Fabio explains.

What we do is create solutions that are very focused, that fix one problem. Like a digital product passport that stores all information about a product in a tamper-proof way

But don't think it's all been a smooth ride. The journey from startup to software stability is like going from chaos to a different kind of chaos. It's not about staying up 'til the wee hours to build components anymore; it's about really getting to know the customers. "The key for success is to focus on the customer," Fabio says. The game has changed from foundational work to functional brilliance. The target is no longer moving; it's multiplying. And Fabio loves it. In fact, he embraces it. His best advice? "You can push a lot for months, even years, but sometimes you need to take a break. The world will not collapse."

When Fabio's world starts spinning too fast, he knows how to slam the brakes. While many might jet off to some exotic locale to unwind, he keeps it simple. "When it happens, I like to do nothing for a few days, but really nothing. Go fishing, go to the countryside, renovate a part of the house. You just need to turn off your brain." And in that peaceful mental space, you'd best believe that he's dreaming up the next big "impossible" thing to tackle when he's back.

"Talk is Cheap, Show Me the Code": Fabio's Straight Talk on Building Startups from Scratch

Fabio doesn't mess around when it comes to the nitty-gritty of startup life. While most entrepreneurs start with the customer in mind, Fabio's approach is a little different. He's more into solving "peculiar" problems—those complex issues that people aren't even sure can be fixed. "Don't change your plan too early. Just persist because sometimes you have problems that require years to be fixed," he advises. For Fabio and his team, persistence pays off. When they hit performance issues with their core component, did they back down? Nope. They rewrote that sucker until it hummed like a finely tuned engine.

Don't change your plan too early. Just persist because sometimes you have problems that require years to be fixed

But hey, even go-getters need downtime, and for Fabio, that's fishing. It's his way of turning off his brain without fully hitting the off switch. "Sometimes you just need to push the pause button. Take a vacation, do something for yourself. The world won't collapse," he sagely suggests. So if you're burning the midnight oil, pulling your hair out over a coding issue, maybe what you really need is a fishing rod in hand and a peaceful lake to stare at. Trust Fabio, it works.

As for role models, Fabio isn't looking for superstars. He's more inspired by everyday people who love what they're doing, whether it's coding, cooking, or playing the cello. And his ultimate advice? Well, it's as straightforward as it gets: "Talk is cheap. Show me the code." It's his nod to the value of getting stuff done, the importance of being practical, and the unvarnished truth that ideas are a dime a dozen until they're executed. So if you're sitting on an idea, maybe it's time to stop talking and start coding. Like Fabio says, "Just push and you will fix it."

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