
Enhancing the B2B Landscape

Embark on a journey through Temy’s transformative partnership with Wynter, a MarTech leader, to refine their innovative B2B message testing platform. This narrative unfurls Temy’s strategic approach, the challenges tackled, and the solutions crafted to enhance user experience. Ultimately, it culminates in the significant impact this collaboration had on Wynter’s business, reinforcing the importance of effective messaging in the B2B landscape.


Location, FoundedUS, 2020

IndustryMar Tech

Partnership PeriodFeb 2021 – Feb 2022

Team Size1 UI/UX Designer



The Meeting of Minds

In the vibrant year of 2020, nestled in the bustling heart of the USA’s MarTech landscape, an innovative company named Wynter was on the lookout for a strategic partner to boost its business expansion. The company is renowned for its ingenious B2B message testing platform that offers businesses the invaluable ability to evaluate the performance of their messages in real-time. This unique platform leverages a robust network of verified B2B professionals to provide authentic feedback, enabling companies to fine-tune their communication for maximum impact.

Enter Temy, a global technology and design leader with a reputation for driving digital transformation across diverse industries. Recognizing the potential of Wynter’s proposition, Temy embarked on this journey, realizing that it wasn’t just another project but a stepping-stone towards a new, unexplored domain.

Confronting the Challenge

The goal of this collaboration was more than simple improvements. It aimed to resolve critical UX and flow issues plaguing the platform. Given that this was a distinctive product, the first of its kind that Temy had ever worked on, the challenge was monumental. Enhancing the overall user flow, mitigating complex UX issues, and designing new features for the platform were among the core objectives set at the outset of this endeavor.

For Temy, the real task was not only to meet these targets but also to imbue the platform with a sense of clarity and intuitiveness that would endear it to users. The success of this initiative hinged on the ability to transform the platform into a seamless, user-friendly tool that would empower businesses to maximize their messaging impact.

The Power of Partnership

Understanding the potential risks and the magnitude of this venture, Temy proposed a unique team extension partnership to Wynter. This strategic proposition implied that Temy’s experts would become an integral part of Wynter’s team, filling the gaps in their design needs and working in unison towards a common goal.

A product manager from Wynter was appointed as the primary point of contact, ensuring a fluid channel of communication between the two teams. This continuous dialogue facilitated the seamless execution of plans, paving the way for a successful partnership and fostering a collaborative atmosphere where ideas could thrive.


Crafting the Solution

With a clear understanding of the objectives and a defined roadmap in place, Temy’s team set out to work on the platform’s transformation. The key focus areas included enhancing the user experience and improving the flow of the platform. This was not just about applying aesthetic changes but involved a deep dive into the platform’s core mechanics to create a more intuitive and streamlined user journey.

The Temy team, with its expertise and creativity, completely revamped the core flow and redesigned the ‘Get Started’ wizard. The goal was to not only make it visually appealing but also to ensure it guided users effortlessly through the platform, enhancing their interaction and engagement.

Extracting Value – Learnings and Outcomes

Collaborating with Wynter was a learning curve for Temy, opening doors to a completely new domain. The most crucial aspect of this project was getting a deep understanding of the product’s specifics and the uniqueness of such platforms. The experience of working in this new area was enriching, providing Temy with invaluable insights into a previously unexplored sector.

The success of this partnership was not just reflected in the upgraded platform, but also in the satisfying responses from the client’s end. The project concluded on a positive note, with every aspect executed just as planned. The journey, though challenging, was smooth, with no significant obstacles threatening the progress or the outcomes.

Leaving a Lasting Impact

The transformation of Wynter’s platform was not just a cosmetic change – it had a profound impact on the platform’s performance and, by extension, on Wynter’s business. As a result of Temy’s involvement, the platform drove up to 73% more demos and signups due to the enhanced messaging capabilities.

This collaboration highlighted the paramount importance of message clarity, relevance, value, and differentiation for the target customers. The platform’s new design ensured a clear explanation of the product, while also creating a strong impression of relevance. It increased motivation to take action and willingness to pay, while effectively communicating why customers should choose Wynter over alternatives.

Looking back, Temy’s journey with Wynter has been a fruitful and rewarding endeavor. The project provided Temy an opportunity to venture into a new domain and left the team with a wealth of insights and experiences. The success of this partnership stands as a testament to Temy’s commitment to driving innovation, delivering on promises, and making a positive impact. Today, Wynter’s platform stands as a proud testament to what can be achieved when creativity, technology, and partnership come together.

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