
Crafting an Integrated Digital Future

In the dynamic intersection of technology and innovation, Temy embarked on a transformative journey with Konzepthaus, a German-based digital marketing and sales support company. Our mission was to streamline Konzepthaus’s digital processes through strategic HubSpot integration, enhancing their business operations, and promoting their growth. This two-part series chronicles our odyssey from the initial meeting, through rigorous planning and development, to the product’s successful deployment and our ongoing collaboration


Location, FoundedGermany, 2015


Partnership PeriodOct 2019 – ongoing

Team Size1 Software Engineers



The Meeting Point: Beginning of a Technological Odyssey

In the bustling digital landscape where technology and innovation intertwine, our paths serendipitously crossed with Konzepthaus. A pioneering German-based company, Konzepthaus is a beacon in the realm of digital marketing and sales support. They specialize in integrating web products into the universally recognized HubSpot platform, assisting businesses to navigate the ever-evolving digital space.

When we first met Konzepthaus, they were on a dedicated mission to elevate their inbound marketing and sales strategies, enhance their lead generation and qualification processes, and propel their overall business growth. As Temy, a company fueled by the aspiration to engineer digital solutions, we enthusiastically accepted this thrilling challenge.

Our collaboration aimed to understand every facet of Konzepthaus’s operations, from the minute intricacies of their product to their grand vision for the future. This understanding was crucial to formulating a strategy that aligned with their objectives and delivered an integration that streamlined their workflows and optimized data synchronization.

The Blueprint: Crafting an Integration Plan through Strategic Design

From the get-go, our journey was marked by a systematic approach. We commenced with in-depth discussions with Konzepthaus, aiming to dissect their business needs, objectives, and future aspirations. We also delved into the intricate mechanics of the HubSpot platform to tailor an integration plan that resonated with Konzepthaus’s requirements.

The challenge ahead of us was colossal; it was not merely about understanding the extensive HubSpot documentation, patterns, and related technologies. It was about synthesizing this vast array of information, adapting it to a unique context, and applying it creatively to meet Konzepthaus’s needs.

The planning phase was comprehensive, leaving no stone unturned. We put our heads together to navigate this challenging journey, striking a delicate balance between technology, customer needs, and the inherent capabilities of the HubSpot platform. It was a demanding yet exciting phase that set the groundwork for the development stage.

The Crucible: Fusing Ideas into Reality through Development and Deployment

Armed with a strategic plan, we transitioned to the next phase – turning the blueprint into a tangible product. Our dedicated development team, comprising adept German developers, embarked on a tireless journey to make the integration plans a reality.

This stage was characterized by a robust, collaborative, and iterative process. Every developer was entrusted with specific tasks, promoting a balanced development effort. We fostered an environment of open communication and active participation, ensuring every team member was on the same page.

Changes are an inevitable part of the development process. As new changes emerged, we confronted them head-on, incorporating them into the design at an early stage. This proactive approach ensured the seamless evolution of the product, minimizing disruptions and aligning with Konzepthaus’s needs.

Simultaneously, our team was diligently formulating precise deployment steps. Given the potential risks associated with security and implementation, meticulous planning was essential. We maintained a strong emphasis on writing clear, maintainable code and thorough testing.


Launch Pad: Testing, Training, and a Smooth Handover

With the product ready, the focus shifted to rigorous testing. Each feature was put through stringent tests to ensure seamless functionality and bug identification. We left no room for error, adhering to the highest quality standards. The testing phase allowed us to iron out any remaining kinks and deliver a flawless product to Konzepthaus.

Beyond testing, we knew that the product’s success hinged on the Konzepthaus team’s ability to utilize it effectively. Hence, we initiated a comprehensive training program, empowering their team with the knowledge and skills to maximize the new integration’s potential.

Only when the product was thoroughly tested, and the Konzepthaus team was comfortable using it, did we mark the product as complete. This commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction underscored our unwavering dedication to delivering a product that was nothing short of perfect.

Ongoing Support and Shared Growth

Our odyssey with Konzepthaus did not end with the product handover. We continued to stand by them, providing ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition into their new digital landscape. Alongside providing support, we also absorbed invaluable insights and experience from our journey with Konzepthaus.

One significant achievement of our collaboration was the revenue forecast feature we implemented. This unique addition, a testament to our strategic planning and execution, could potentially revolutionize many businesses, underscoring the profound benefits of integration.

This experience with Konzepthaus enriched our technological arsenal, honing our skills, and refining our problem-solving abilities. Through this project, we learned the essence of true learning – change is a part of the process, and each change is a stepping stone towards a more experienced and knowledgeable future.

Celebrating a Successful Journey

As we look back at our journey with Konzepthaus, it was more than just a client-provider relationship. It was a partnership, a symbiotic relationship, and a mutual exploration in the quest for digital excellence.

We are proud of not only achieving our goal of crafting a successful integration for Konzepthaus but also growing together, fostering mutual learning, and pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve. Our journey with Konzepthaus serves as a testament to Temy’s commitment to engineering top-notch digital solutions that align with our client’s unique needs and aspirations.

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