
Temy and JasperCard: A Partnership in Fintech Innovation

We explore the transformative partnership between Temy and JasperCard, highlighting how our collaboration revolutionized the fintech sector. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative strategies, we empowered JasperCard to enhance its credit management services, focusing on user empowerment and transparent practices. This journey showcases Temy’s role in driving significant advancements in financial services, setting new standards in customer engagement and satisfaction.In this two-part series, we delve into Temy’s transformative partnership with Mobile Tornado, a global pioneer in telecommunications. Our journey navigates through initial challenges, the agile adoption process, technological advancements, and unique growth opportunities. Despite navigating the stormy seas of legacy systems and diverse workforce collaboration, the project not only amplified Mobile Tornado’s longevity but also strengthened Temy’s technical prowess and resilience. Stay tuned as we unpack this riveting journey.


Location, FoundedNew York City, 2015

IndustryFin Tech

Partnership PeriodMay 2019 – May 2023

Team Size1- QA
1 – DevOps Engineer



In the ever-evolving landscape of financial technology, Temy embarked on a groundbreaking journey with JasperCard, a startup aimed at revolutionizing personal finance and credit management. This partnership, founded on shared values of innovation, transparency, and community empowerment, aimed to deliver a credit solution that not only meets but exceeds the traditional boundaries of financial products.

Phase 1: Laying the Foundations

Our collaboration commenced with the ambitious goal of building a secure and scalable infrastructure using Amazon Web Services (AWS). The initial stages were fraught with challenges, particularly around configuring a robust and secure environment. Through diligent work and strategic use of AWS tools, Temy’s team successfully established a foundation that promised high availability and top-tier security. The application of automated practices ensured a solid base for the innovative features JasperCard envisioned. Each step in this foundational phase was characterized by meticulous planning and innovative problem-solving, setting the stage for the advanced functionalities that would later define the JasperCard experience.

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Phase 2: Navigating Challenges and Re-strategizing

As with many dynamic projects, our initial plans required adaptation. The decision to shift from using ECS to EKS for a microservices architecture marked a pivotal point in our journey. This strategic pivot was driven by the need for greater scalability and manageability, aligning perfectly with the long-term objectives of the project. Such flexibility not only addressed immediate technical needs but also prepared the infrastructure for future expansions and improvements. This phase of the project was marked by intense collaboration, frequent brainstorming sessions, and a continuous exchange of ideas, ensuring that every decision was aligned with both Temy’s and JasperCard’s strategic goals.

Phase 3: The Agile Workflow and Continuous Improvement

Our commitment to quality and efficiency was exemplified by our adoption of an Agile development process. Utilizing Jira and implementing sprint-based workflows, we maintained a rigorous testing regime. Each product iteration underwent extensive evaluations before release, ensuring reliability and user satisfaction. The structured, iterative approach of our sprints allowed us to adapt swiftly to feedback and evolving project requirements, thereby enhancing the final product incrementally. This approach not only facilitated technical excellence but also fostered a culture of continuous improvement within the team, making it possible to refine and optimize our processes in real-time.


Phase 4: Securing Success

A significant achievement in our collaboration was meeting the stringent PCI DSS security standards, an initiative spearheaded by Temy’s security experts. This was crucial not only for regulatory compliance but also for building trust with JasperCard’s users. The robust security measures implemented throughout the development lifecycle played a critical role in protecting user data and ensuring a secure transaction environment. This phase demonstrated our unwavering commitment to security and reliability, reinforcing JasperCard’s market position as a trustworthy and innovative financial service provider.

Phase 5: Realizing Impact and Reflecting on Growth

The project not only met but also exceeded the expectations of JasperCard, fostering a strong sense of achievement and satisfaction among all involved parties. For the client, this collaboration opened new avenues for growth and innovation, while the users benefited from a secure, reliable, and user-friendly financial tool. The success of this project underlines the importance of a client-focused approach, thorough planning, and the flexibility to adapt to new challenges. Furthermore, the project served as a significant milestone for Temy, enhancing our reputation as a leader in delivering high-quality technological solutions and establishing a template for future collaborations.

Building Towards a Financially Empowered Future

The partnership between Temy and JasperCard serves as a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and commitment to excellence. Our journey together not only delivered a cutting-edge product but also set new standards in the fintech industry. As we continue to explore new horizons, this case study stands as a beacon of our ability to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation. The enduring impact of this project extends beyond the immediate success of JasperCard, promising to influence the broader financial sector and inspiring other companies to pursue similar partnerships.

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